Saturday, December 10, 2011

How long did it take to make the google earth street view?

you can pratically see every street, alley, road of the world! O.o

I saw my own house %26amp; I was like WTF when was this taken? by who?|||it's an on going process

it was started in 2008 thru 2009

its a slow passing van that takes these photos

it snaps pics in 20 foot increments

and depending on where you look during a advance you can see time changes as well as weather

changes among other abnormalities...|||%26gt;I saw my own house %26amp; I was like WTF when was this taken? by who?

Google owns a fleet of cars that have cameras attached on their roofs.

You can see the history of google Street view on Wikipedia and a brief rundown of how long it took to complete the cities on the US:鈥?/a>|||they are still making it

sometimes you can see the cars they have big cameras on the roof and are marked google earth|||it was like 12 hours

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